Friday, 27 June 2014

Our services

Our services include
1) Spiritual Healing      2) Spiritual Counselling      3) Chakra Balancing and Healing      4) Reiki      5) Exorcism     6) Astrology                       7) Investigation of possible hauntings   8) Mind and Face Reading   9) Past Life Regression    10) White Light Healing 
In April 2013, the follow article was published:

Not long ago we were talking to a good friend, Betsy Summers. Well known in local political circles, Ms. Summers had told us previously about this “haunted house” she was taking care of. Betsy told us that she heard someone walking around on the floor above her when no one was home, and that a former resident moved out of a bedroom because something used to shake the bed. She had heard stories of a suicide taking place in the home. As a couple of enthusiasts who are eager to document the paranormal, help folks with their haunts and help spirits move on, well, we just had to take Betsy up on an offer to spend some time at 46 South Welles Street in Wilkes-Barre City.

A quick check of deed records told us who currently owns the home and that the structure is more than 100 years old. The section of Wilkes-Barre where the present day Wilkes-Barre Boulevard, Jewelcor Building, Boulevard Townhomes, etc. are located was once an industrial area consisting of factories, warehouses and one big, crowded railroad yard where five railroad companies met and did business. This section of the city extended from Conyngham Avenue in on the north side to Dana Street on the south. As Wilkes-Barre grew during the industrial boom following the Civil War, this particular portion of the city expanded. New streets were laid out in what would become the Heights section. Most of these postbellum streets were named after prominent Civil War figures, so proceeding up East Northampton street hill, one first encounters Lincoln Street, aptly named after President Lincoln. The next intersection is at Welles Street, named after the Secretary of the Navy, Gideon Welles, followed by Hancock Street, named after General of the Army, Winfield Hancock. The haunted house’s location clearly lies squarely within a 100+ year old segment of Wilkes-Barre.

Arriving at 46 South Welles Street one night in November of 2012, we were not disappointed. Now, I grew up in a haunted house and this place sure looked the part. If there was a creepy-looking haunted house on the block, this one was it!

So, finally at the site, we took a look around and called Betsy. Since she lives nearby, she just popped over and opened the building for us—our first walk-through was definitely not a letdown.

The home had been recently vacated by an elderly woman who was now deceased, and it was in the process of being cleaned out by Betsy. Upon entering the home—while still daylight—the energy was palpable. Even though empty, the house felt “occupied.” While Betsy showed my partner around the basement, I decided to have a look at the upstairs level. Ascending the stairs to the second floor, this investigator witnessed a bright flash of light like a tiny flashbulb at the top of the stairs, near the ceiling, and without the aid of any equipment.

Now, I have found that the longer I investigate the more I see with my own eyes, but this was something to behold: an extremely energetic manifestation of a spirit that had no qualms letting the living know it was there. For a moment, time stopped. Hustling down the stairs, I rushed to get a camera and positioned it to record up the stairway in hopes of catching this anomaly once again.

Coming up from the basement, Betsy and my partner were met by excited energy—mine. I reported what I had just seen, at which point Betsy decided it was time to leave. Since this was our first walk-through we hadn’t brought a pile of equipment or people, only two investigators, in fact, and four cameras, four digital voice recorders and three electromagnetic field detectors was the extent of our outfitting.

Quickly, one infrared video camera was placed at the bottom of the first floor stairs. Another camera was set up at the top. A third was trained on the living room, while the fourth became mobile with the two of us.

Now began our formal walk-through. Armed with a digital still camera, infrared video camera, digital voice recorder, and two different electromagnetic field detectors, we commenced our assessment by entering the basement. The basement was damp, complete with cobwebs, field stone walls, a dirt floor and a ceiling height of 6’. Several energetic light anomalies were seen; these have become know in popular culture as “orbs.” One was particularly energetic and kept moving, and fortunately avoiding us. As we attempted communication via our digital voice recorders we, too heard what Betsy had described as “someone” walking upstairs above us.

Having completed our communication session, we moved up to the first floor. More “orbs” were spotted, high electromagnetic fields were detected and attempts to communicate with the deceased made. While moving through the living room area, this investigator experienced physical contact, the sensation of walking through a “spider web.” This effectively constituted coming in contact with moving spirit energy and was experienced right in the middle of the living room.

As we advanced to the second floor, an insanely high electromagnetic field in the 30 milligauss range was detected halfway up the stairs. This reading extended from the second floor to the first in the middle of the air in the front hallway. Putting this in perspective, this is the sort of reading which is given off, for example, by the typical older clock radio. It seemed to come and go, changing in intensity.

Working through each individual bedroom, we had a high region of electromagnetic activity in a small front bedroom on the second floor. We were later told that the deceased homeowner moved to this small room and spent her final days there. Leaving this room, we encountered a highly energetic electromagnetic field now at the tops of the stairs. After an attempt at communication, this field was tracked to the nearby bathroom.

As my partner and I vacated the second floor we were of the shared opinion that as in many other “haunted” homes, the stairs were a nexus for activity in this one. Walking down the stairs we were met by a disembodied voice, a voice heard with the human ear. It yelled, “Hey!” This was later verified, captured on the audio of the camera situated at the bottom of the stairs along with the digital voice recorder.

After reviewing evidence from the initial walk-through, a significant amount of activity was noted. A second visit was then planned to include additional equipment as well as another investigator. This follow-up visit rivaled the first, and also documented impressive activity. The final tally of still photos is 589, and the totality of video and audio evidence? No less than 72 hours gathered from an array of devices. -WilkesBarreScrantonIG 

Info about the haunted house on Welles St.
-1976 Bennett Family Moves into house - would later be forced to leave with only their clothes on their backs, in 1978.
-Unexplained bangs, and scurrying noises from one end of the house to the other.
-Unexplained illnesses and depression.
-Nightly visits from a well-dressed phantom man and the appearance of a ghost of a young girl who walks through doors.
-Shrieks, moans, and crying that seemed to be coming from the attic and within the house’s walls.
-Bloody spots appearing on walls and floors in the living room.
-A daughter being pushed down the stairs only to mysteriously float to the bottom of the landing on her feet unhurt.
-Unexplained scratches, in groups of threes, would appear on the residents' bodies.
-Sounds of boots tramping up and down the floors and in the walls of the house when there was no one on the stairs.
-The discovery of little tin box behind one of the chimney bricks in the basement, which contained human molars wrapped with chicken bones placed in the shape of a cross. 

Thursday, 26 June 2014

Have you ever noticed the difference between a good commercial haunted house & one that is just okay. The good one will have activities happening outside, while you wait in line. This mentally "prepares" you to become scared. this is exactly what several "reality based" television shows replicate to prepare their contestants before taking them to the "haunted" location.
Of course, this does not mean that there isn't a ghost or haunting occurring behind all the strange happenings, but it is important to understand that the fear & human mind can in voluntarily create an atmosphere of unnecessary terror.

The truth is that 99 percent of haunting cases are not violent & non intrusive. There is almost nothing to be afraid of. Most of the terror felt comes from a fear of the unknown, an instinctive method of human survival. Through education & understanding we are able to realize that ghost are not here to threaten thus & in many of the cases the ghost are unaware of the presence of living individuals. Many people who have learned to live with ghosts inside their homes have described as an enlightening spiritual experience

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Always consider all aspects of a haunting. Go into an investigation with a kind heart & gracious attitude. But know that most hauntings can be explained; i.e. house settling, furnace noises etc. As sad as it is, you must also consider the mental & emotional state of the victim as well. Paranoia, delusional aspects & mental illness in general may be a consideration. As a final note; it should also be stated however, that in some cases, an unstable person can actually be open to these types of attacks. 

Friday, 20 June 2014

Natural and Fraudulent Apparitions

A majority of all ghost reports will end up being false. This simply means that there is a logical & natural explanation for the occurrences being mistaken for something supernatural. It's the ghost hunter's job to find & eliminate all rational explanations. Once the normal possibilities have been ruled out the ghost hunter can then begin to investigate for more supernatural answers.

On the other side of the mistaken ghost sightings are the fraudulent reports. Individuals may fake a ghost sighting for any number of reasons. Maybe they are just trying to have fun & see if they can trick someone. Or this may be their way of getting attention. It could be a publicity stunt. It could even be a case of mental illness or schizophrenia on the part of the witness, which is not fraudulent. It's important for a ghost hunter to keep in mind that there are people out there with the motives & technological know-how to produce a believable, fake ghost sighting. There have been cases of people faking poltergeist activities with houses that have been entirely wired by their

owners from basement to attic to produce ghostly lights & sounds in any room on command. If the ghost hunter completes a thorough examination for logical explanations a fraudulent haunting should be easy to discover. A seasoned ghost hunter with a couple dozen cases under their belt will learn to develop a second nature for uncovering frauds. 

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

When scientists debunk ghosts their first statement is usually, “there is no scientific proof of the existence of ghosts.” This is wrong. There is scientific proof. Science even has theories that explain something must be happening beyond what we know & what we can see.

Albert Einstein (1879-1955), Time Magazine's Man of the Century & one of the greatest minds the world has known, taught us that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be changed from one form of energy into another form of energy. This means that no matter what is done energy cannot be destroyed.

Human beings have both electrical & chemical energy in our bodies. We are organically designed to carry our electrically charged brain & nervous systems. When we die our chemical bodies begin to break down & decompose. The organic side returns to wear it came from - energy changing into a different form of energy as Einstein's law says. So what happens to the electrical energy that flows through our brain? It can't simply disappear or fade away out of existence. That would break the laws of science. That energy has to still be somewhere only now it has changed into a different form of energy. What happens to the energy is really determined by personal faith. What we do know, thanks to science, is that the electrical pulse energy in each human being will always exist because as a rule it “cannot be destroyed.”

Another great scientist who believed in life after death was Thomas Edison, (1847-1931). Edison was a genius ahead of his time. He invented the light bulb, phonograph, typewriter, electric motor, stock ticker, & 1093 other patented inventions. One of the inventions that he worked on at the end of his career was a secret project, a machine that would let the living see & communicate with the souls of the dead.

Edison believed that that the soul was made up of what he referred to as “life units.” These microscopic particles or life units could rearrange into any form. They retained full memory, personality & were indestructible. Edison's machine would detect these life units in the environment & allow living individual to communicate with the dead. He put many years of hard work into his new creation, but sadly, he died before it was finished. Some called Edison crazy. Others thought that he was onto something bigger than the idea of the light bulb. They believed that if he would have had a little more time, we might all today be living in a very different world.

It's been found that in almost every ghost haunting & poltergeist that there are certain electrical elements at work. Using EMF detectors ghost hunters can monitor these electrical forces. These devices can examine & record even the smallest fluctuation in the surrounding electromagnetic field. Everything gives off some kind of electromagnetic field, even our own bodies. Electrical appliances, like television sets & computers give off higher distortions than a lamp or a toaster would. When ghosts are present there are higher levels of electromagnetic distortions. Many times the distortions are so high that they interfere with the working abilities of computers systems & audio/video equipment. High levels of static electricity are also detectable.

Recording temperature changes is another scientific way of detecting the presence of ghosts. Fluctuations of more than 10 degrees have been recorded in small areas of rooms with constant temperatures. It's a scientific fact that there has to be some form of energy present to alter the temperature. Temperature does not change unless "something" is affecting it one way or the other. In many ghost sightings witnesses report feeling a cold spot. This could be caused by the fact that light does not seem to reflect correctly off of most ghosts, which also gives them a dark form. The light seems to be absorbed into the ghost. The theory is that ghosts absorb both light &
heat energy causing the general area around that ghost to be several degrees cooler. There are also hot spots recorded, which could be just the reverse affect occurring. Instead of soaking up the light & heat the ghost is reflecting it back, causing the area to be warmer.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Cleanse Your House of Spirits

Moving into different homes can often mean that the energy left behind by people who once lived there can still be lingering. In the paranormal and Christian world, these are called spirits. While some spirits are believed to be good, bad spirits can have serious negative affects on your life. Cleansing spirits from your house will yield a calmer environment that is more livable without negative influence.
Things You'll Need
Blessed water or oil
Incense or candles
Step 1
Anoint your house. Christians commonly use blessed oil, such as olive oil and water, to anoint objects. When you are anointing your home, pay special attention to entry and exit ways. You should also anoint places you feel the influence of the spirits most. Other ways of anointing can include using smoke from objects such as incense or candles.
Step 2
Pray over heavily infected areas. Meditation, well-wishing and conventional spoken prayer are all ways of praying over areas where spirits linger the most. Pause at these areas after anointing the entire house, and pray or meditate a prayer that the spirits leave.
Step 3
Cast out evil spirits. Some spirits will be more stubborn to banish than others. When this is the case, you must take the time to identify the nature of the spirit. Calling the spirit out will allow the spirit to know that you are speaking directly to it. After you do this, you must bind the spirit through rebuke. Saying words such as "spirits of violence leave this home now" or similar phrases should do the trick. Telling them by whose authority you are speaking, such as "in the name of Christ" or similar phrases, will also help cast out the spirit while simultaneously letting it know it is uninvited.
Step 4
Refuse their influence. Spirits will struggle after they are bound many of the times. This means that they will try to do a great deal of mischief when leaving an abode. Refusing the spirits influence over you by strengthening your will and resolve is necessary at this point. This will help you to avoid spiritual warfare that can have some physical implications at times. Opening a physical path, such as a door or window, that allows for easy exiting of the spirit to the outside will usher them out of your home. This follows much of the same beliefs as lightning (energy) that looks for the path of least resistance to the ground.

Tips & Warnings :
If you are facing some problems to do above steps or you not able to do this then call us !!!!

Saturday, 7 June 2014


Name : Akshai Sthalekar
Designation: Co- Founder
Experience: 7 years.
I started meditating regularly at a very young age. This has helped me gain spiritually which in turn helps me during investigations and communicating with the spirit. Meditation also developed my psychic abilities and thus I can connect to various places and heal people. I have healed people in The USA, UK, Germany, Oman, Singapore and Australia. I learnt a lot from my guides, Late Erik Berglund (International Harpist and a spiritual Healer) and Mr. Raj Mali(Shamanic Master). I also perform exorcisms using meditative techniques and some special astral weapons.
Name: Sarbajeet Mohanty 
Designation: Co-Founder.
Experience: 3 years.
He could sense spirits around and tried to communicate with them as a young boy. He is our lead investigator and came into this field out of determination to overcome fears. As he used to sense spirits he was afraid and then decided to overcome them and use his abilities as his strength. Guided by many paranormal investigators to investigate and by Akshai Sthalekar to follow the path of spirituality, he has developed beautifully.

Friday, 6 June 2014

 End an investigation by evoking the power of God as a protection. "All unseen presences must remain here in the name of God" (or however you would do it according to your own personal religious beliefs) & don't forget to thank these that are unseen for any evidence you may have acquired during the investigation/hunt. 

Contact | Indian Paranormal Team

Contact | Indian Paranormal Team

Paranormal Investigator Hunt

Indian Paranormal Team is in search of paranormal investigators and psychics who would love to help people and discover the unseen part of the world.

Who ever wants to be a member can Email us the details :
Details should include:
Contact number
why would you like to work with us
Where did you get to know about us.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Demoniacal Prophesy

Ancients also had a sort of faith in the prophetic words spoken by those whom they believed to be
possessed by demons, & this was sometimes a component of ancient oracles.  In connection with this, it is worth pointing out that a respected modern-day professor of psychology once witnessed a friend, who was suffering from paranoid schizophrenia make a specific & surprising prophecy that turned out to be perfectly accurate.  The professor had no explanation for this event. Although one is tempted to hypothesize that there is a link between altered mental states and psychic ability. 

Some also associate the Ouija board with demoniacal prophesy, & those who have seen Linda Blair in The Exorcist will recall that this was how her character's problems began.