Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Communicating with the Spirits

The séance grips the imagination, lays hold of emotions, causes blood to tingle & hair to rise... all  these combine to play upon our sensibilities creating an effect which no utterance of prophecy, no reading of minds, stars, crystal balls or tea leaves, can produce.
Robert Somerlott from Here, Mr. Splitfoot (1971)

The séance was the most effective way, according to Spiritualist mediums, of communicating with the dead. In this manner, messages from the departed could be passed on to the living & the spirits could announce their presence by manifesting displays of the supernatural.
Séances were usually held in the home of the medium or that of one of the sitters. To begin, the lights were normally turned down very low or extinguished altogether. The reason for this, Spiritualists believed, was that spirit forms were more easily seen in the darkness. Often they manifested as luminous apparitions or would cause things to move about in ways that would only be done if it could remain unseen. Debunkers & skeptics, of course, offered other reasons for this -- that darkened conditions would hide the deceptive practice of fraud.

The sitters were normally divided equally by gender & those who were skeptical were generally excluded. A circular arrangement of chairs worked best, normally around a large table. Their hands were placed flat on the table, sometimes clasped together or merely with their fingers touching.

There were a number of unwritten rules for séances as well. Usually, no more than two or three séances were held in a week & they were to last for no more than two hours unless the spirits asked for an extension. Sitters were not allowed to touch the mediums or any of the manifested spirits, unless the spirits touched them first. It was believed that to come into contact with the medium, one of the manifested forms or the ectoplasm that might be generated by the medium during her trance, could severely injure the medium or perhaps the sitter. In addition, a sudden return to consciousness caused by interfering with the medium could cause illness, insanity or even death.

Another vital ingredient for a successful séance was appropriate music. Most sittings opened with hymns or prayers & on many reported occasions, the spirits chimed in with ghostly music & the creation of melodies though instruments like trumpets, horns & tambourines.

The furnishings of the séance room were normally simple & made of wood. Small tables were often needed for tilting & tapping by the spirits & sitters were normally provided with basic wooden chairs. Many physical mediums also made use of what were called spirit cabinets, an enclosure where the medium could be segregated while entering the trance state. Many of the cabinets were actual wood enclosures, although it was more common for a corner of the room to be hung with a curtain & closed off from view.

The phenomena reported at the séances varied greatly. Sitters often recognized the "arrival" of the spirits by a rush of cold air in the room, followed by rapping & tapping, knocking & perhaps strange lights, sounds & voices. The phenomena would often intensify as the evening progressed. Simple noises & lights were often followed by elaborate messages from the beyond, usually coming directly through the medium. The spirits would make themselves known by the manifestation of ectoplasm, by levitating tables or writing on "spirit slates", which were ordinary chalkboards upon which unexplained writing would appear.

In the most dramatic cases, some mediums, who claimed to be adept at act spirit summoning, were able to cause ghosts to appear in the midst of the sitters. In some of the most famous cases, like that of medium Florence Cook, spirits materialized who could touch, shake hands & even embrace the sitters.

During the heyday of Spiritualism, scientists & psychical researchers investigated hundreds of séances & unfortunately, the majority of the physical mediums were caught hoaxing phenomena at some point in their career. Very few of them came away unscathed by the early investigators of the Spiritualist movement & the few who did remain as mysterious now as they were then.

A séance is, on its most basic level, an attempt to communicate with departed spirits. This is generally done in a small group setting. The séance, or sitting, is led by a person known as a medium who will usually go into a trance that theoretically allows the spirits to communicate through him or her.

The word séance comes from the French word for 'seat', 'session', from Old French seoir, 'to sit.' In English, the word came to be used specifically for a meeting of people to receive spiritualistic messages (a sense first recorded in English in 1845). In French, it is much more general: one can say une séance de cinéma.

Séances are conducted in dark or semi-dark rooms with participants seated around a table. During the séance various activities are performed such as table tipping, channeling, automatic writing & the use of Ouija boards to name a few.

Belief in the ability to communicate with the dead is part of, although not exclusive to, a religious movement called Spiritualism, which flourished from the 1840s until the 1920s & still exists in various forms today. Skeptics generally consider séances to be scams, or at least a form of pious fraud. The argument from either side, it seems, will never be resolved.

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Q: Can demons actually possess dolls and statues?

A:  Although demons do not technically "possess" inanimate objects such as dolls and statues, they will sometimes attach or link themselves to certain objects.  Although there are a variety of reasons for this, the most obvious cause would be if a doll or a statue has been "personified," or given recognition as an object of profane worship, or used in a ceremonial practice in which demonic entities were invoked.  (Two Scriptural references which specifically refer to this as the worship of idols are: 1) Revelation 9:20, & 2) 1 Corinthians 10:20.)  Incidentally, demonic attachments to inanimate objects are not limited to dolls & statues.  In fact, I once knew someone who, as a young boy of about five years old, picked up a glove which had been left in a cemetery...& a demonic entity instantly began harassing him!  The vehicle in which screen idol Jimmy Dean was killed in is another example.  Also, it almost goes without saying that the most common inanimate object to which a demonic entity will attach itself is the infamous Ouija board.

Another cause of demonic entities having attached themselves to inanimate objects such as dolls or statues, is if someone who was demon possessed or severely oppressed, has owned or venerated this particular object.

Of course, there is no reason to go through your house searching out every inanimate object which you've ever felt slightly unnerved about.  However, if you do seriously feel there is something unnatural about an abject in your possession...be it a doll, statue, Ouija board or what have you...it might just be a good idea to look up the history of this object, if possible.  For information pertaining to the disposal of such an object, you may wish to contact a member of the clergy of your particular faith, or perhaps a reputable paranormal research organization.

Saturday, 19 April 2014

EMF Theories

Electromagnetism is a large, encompassing theory, so its no wonder that many people do not understand it. A basic book on it will almost immediately dive into calculus.

When it comes to using EMF detectors, may folks have no clue on how to use them properly or the ability to determine man-made sources (AC) from natural ones (DC).
The problem is amplified by the fact that most meters are calibrated at 60HZ AC, the same frequency as household wiring & other man-made electrical systems. They are not designed for what we are using them for.

Most ghost hunters will tell you that ghosts are believed to emit some kind of EMF. However, when asked why they believe this, many cannot give a good scientific answer.
Here is one of our hypothsises explaining how the EMF detector problem can be solved to some degree.

The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for winnowing the truth from lies & delusion. The simple version looks something like this:

1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
2. Invent a theory that is consistent with what you have observed.
3. Use the theory to make predictions.
4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observations.
5. Modify the theory in the light of your results.
6. Go to step 3.

You can think of facts & theories (not just scientific ones, but ordinary everyday ones) as being on a scale of certainty. Up at the top end we have facts like "things fall down". Down at the bottom we have "the Earth is flat". In the middle we have "I will die of heart disease". Some scientific theories are nearer the top than others, but none of them ever actually reach it. Skepticism is usually directed at claims that contradict facts & theories that are very near the top of the scale. If you want to discuss ideas nearer the middle of the scale (that is, things about which there is real debate in the scientific community) then you would be better off asking on the appropriate specialist group

To begin our quest, we must first take a look at the ghost in the human machine, the conscious of the mind. Professor McFadden from the School of Biomedical & Life Sciences at the University of Surrey in the UK believes our conscious mind could be an electromagnetic field. His theory may solve many previously intractable problems of consciousness & could have profound implications for our concepts of mind, spirituality & even life and death.

There are wide differences in the concepts of consciousness, which are prevalent among biologists, psychologists, & sociologists. The threefold meaning of consciousness comes from the Latin word 'con-scio': a) to cut, b) to make a distinction, & c) to know.

There are three different ways to know the difference -- 'con-scientia':

1) Through genetic bio-reactive knowledge,

2) Through personal self-reflexive knowledge, &

3) Through social, consensually validated knowledge.

Most people consider "mind" to be all the conscious things that we are aware of. However this is not quite accurate. The majority of mental activity occurs without awareness. Actions such as peddling a bicycle or walking can become as automatic as breathing. The biggest puzzle in neuroscience is how the brain activity that we're aware of (consciousness) differs from the brain activity of all of those unconscious actions.

The human brain is a symphony of electromagnetic signals, but science has had trouble finding the conductor of the symphony. One of the problems that neurologists have with consciousness
 is called the binding problem. The best way to explain the binding problem is to use the analogy of a tree. A tree seems to contain thousands of leaves, all of which are contained on several branches. Neurobiology tells us that the information contained in the mind (all the leaves) is dissected & scattered among millions of widely separated neurons. The binding problem is encountered when science tries to explain where in the brain all those leaves are stuck together to form the conscious impression of a whole tree. How does our brain bind information to generate consciousness? The data does not seem to add up & our symphony conductor is once again missing.

Through his research, Professor McFadden realized that every time a nerve fires, the electrical activity sends a signal to the brain's electromagnetic field. However, unlike solitary nerve signals, information that reaches the brain's electromagnetic field is automatically bound together with all the other signals in the brain.

The brain's electromagnetic field does the binding that is characteristic of consciousness. Conscious information processing is associated with the EM component of ultra low frequency (ULF) brainwaves in either:

a) dialectically "denser" parts of the brain in the normal awake state
of consciousness; or

b) a gaseous ionic structure in the vicinity of the mind.

This is why Paranormal Investigators look at EM fields. It is the basis of life itself (a great book on the subject that I'd recommend for ghost hunters is " The electromagnetic origins of life" by Dr. Becker). The brain's EM field is the only possible thing that could survive bodily death.

So what happens at death? Using the first law of thermodynamics there are several possibilities. First, all that energy could transform into heat and bleed out of the skull. That would also mean no afterlife, much less any possibility for ghosts. Fortunately, there are other possibilities. The EM field could also change frequency or polarity. Interestingly enough there is some data out there that suggests that the mind goes into theta waves just before death, which gives us a possibility of ghosts.

Using what data we have from neurology, we can assume that the frequency change could not exceed much more than 40HZ or so. The bottom line is that we are looking for low frequency DC EM fields. These types of fields are what we need to take a serious look at.

The biggest problem with EMF detectors is that they are not giving you the most vital piece of information of the EM field, its frequency! They can only give you the power associated with a field.

There is an instrument that can give you both power levels and frequency. It's a laptop computer. Pico Technology has a program that you can purchase that transforms your laptop into a spectrum analyzer. Using the proper coil or antenna, so can quickly tell if a field is manmade or not & record the data from the field onto the hard drive of the laptop.

Using a common lamp as an example, electric fields are present (& measured in volts) when the lamp is plugged in. When the lamp is plugged in & turned on, the electrical charge moves, & magnetic fields are created (&  measured in milliGauss, or mG). Because electric fields & magnetic fields have different characteristics, different measuring instruments & test protocols are necessary in order to assess emission levels for each field. 

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Psychosomatic response

Psychosomatic response is descriptive of physical symptoms (real or perceived) that are caused by some form of psychological stress, to manifest a mental state in the form of physical symptoms. In ghost hunting these experiences can be experienced in the form of being touched, shortness of breath, tingling sensations in the limbs, sudden sensations of pain, dizziness, visual hallucinations, nausea, & even equilibrium change (“energy” rushing through the body).
These effects have been tested & confirmed by multiple researches in various labs. It is important to understand that there is an element of belief that must be involved in order to induce psychosomatic response. Certain individuals may be more acceptable to this phenomenon than others. Several studies have linked some psychosomatic response with Adrenaline. Adrenaline can amplify the senses which in turn increase the possibility of perceiving a normal event as a paranormal one.

What makes psychosomatic response so difficult is that the experience is very real to the participant. This is listed first because it is the common “explanation” that critics give to ghostly encounters.
In general, if you start freaking out, remove yourself to a safe area for at least 30 minutes. Psychosomatic response is easier to initiate when a person is alone. Rely on your instrumentation & describe what you feel.

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Sudden Death

It is believed by many that when a person dies suddenly, as in a car accident or by a gunshot, they may not be aware that they died. This is much like when we cut ourselves, but don't notice it until we see the injury. This sudden death can leave the spirit somewhat confused. He or she cannot communicate with us & perhaps, has lost the concept of time. This leaves them to wander the area where they died, not fully understanding the predicament they are in.

Often times when these type of spirits are encountered, they are dressed as they were when they died & seemed confused as to what is going on around them. These spirits may at times manipulate various objects so they might be noticed, as if they're reaching out for our help. Unfortunately for them, it is believed that they are stuck here until somebody from our side makes contact & informs them that they have died. If they can be convinced they have died, then they move on to the next life or whatever may lie on the other side. But contact , as in interaction with the spirit, is most often not made. People, by nature, fear what they do not understand. So most people will run away or move, leaving the spirit to dwell an eternity wandering the place of their death. 
Paranormal researchers should make themselves aware of relevant scientific theories that apply to their investigations (e.g. how magnetism works). Such theories have been repeatedly tested & cannot simply be rejected unless there is compelling new scientific evidence otherwise.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Always survey & map out an area you are investigating before the investigation, preferably during daylight hours. This can be accomplished either through a preliminary investigation or a walkthrough of the premises.  Be aware of the surroundings for safety sake. For best results, always take a day walk through before doing a nighttime investigation, if possible. The other option would be to show up just before dark (dusk) & have a look around before starting. 

Friday, 11 April 2014

Don't walk into an area snapping pictures right off the bat. Give those ghosts that are present some time to get used to you. 

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Always say a prayer of protection before &  after an investigation. This is a safety precaution all Paranormal Investigators should take.  Spirits can follow you home!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Things a Paranormal Investigator MUST ALWAYS Remember

1. Let them (ghosts & spirits) know they are not forgotten. Let your journey in this field of study be a labor of love.  Remember to be respectful of ghosts & sprits, as they were once living, & still are in a way for that matter.  

2. Never tease, threaten or dare an unseen entity. First of all, we want to be taken seriously. Secondly, we are Paranormal Investigators, not bullies. Lastly, we certainly don't want any vindictive entities following us home or worse yet, attacking & hurting us.

3. Conduct yourself as a professional at all times.  We always want to present ourselves as one in control & that of course means around other investigators, victims of a haunting, & even to the ghosts themselves. Self-confidence & control will radiate like a beacon of light & thus serve as a shield of protection.

4. Never seek out entities on your own  A team of two works well & three is the ideal number. Larger groups will need to break up into smaller groups.  

5. Addicting habits can be contradictory to your ghostly pursuits. Examples would be heavy addictions to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc. These things in excess make you vulnerable & susceptible to attack. The attack stems from the entities attraction to your addictions & also because of your weakness. Mind altering substances are particularly enticing to them.

6. Pay attention to your dreams. Entities will use this relaxed state of mind & body to try & influence or torment it's targeted victim. Use whatever wording is necessary (according to your own spiritual beliefs) to command such an intrusion to cease. Command it in the Holy name of your God or Higher Power.                                                                     

7. Use religious relics & symbols as a protection, but only use these if you believe in what they can do. It's not the item itself that has the power, it's what it symbolizes according to your faith.
That's what actually gives it its power.

8. Listen to your instincts & your intuition. Draw from the power within. You will find this to be your greatest resource.

9. Never leave a team member behind, not ever. Commit yourself to the task at hand until it's done. A combined effort makes the team an intricate working structure.

10. Always consider all aspects of a haunting. Go into an investigation with a kind heart & gracious attitude. But know that most hauntings can be explained; i.e. house settling, furnace noises etc. As sad as it is, you must also consider the mental & emotional state of the victim as well. Paranoia, delusional aspects & mental illness in general may be a consideration. As a final note; it should also be stated however, that in some cases, an unstable person can actually be open to these types of attacks.

11. Always remember, you are the one in control. You have the body & thus you have the power. It's really simple, you are in your element. This is your dimension & your reality. Unseen entities are intruders into your space. That is, unless, they are invited in or find a way in through your weaknesses. Be strong by curving appetites & living a productive & wholesome life.

12. Be familiar with all aspects of the supernatural.  Know well the entities you pursue, understand them & the things of their world. Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more confident you become. Be careful though, not all knowledge is good. Acquire it with a scientific standpoint. 

13. Your best protection is in the life you lead.  If you are active in ghostly pursuits then evil will cross your path, so be armed. If you are religious, then live your religion. But whether you are or not, your best protection is to live so as to put others first. Good deeds & a love for all life is your greatest protection.

14. Don't be afraid to experiment.  Not everything you try will work. If one attempt or theory fails, keep trying. Simply move on to the next thing on your list & by all means, have a list.

15. Do your homework.  Consider all aspects of an investigation before you go. A preliminary walk through ahead of time is advised. Doing a history check is helpful as well. Anything you can find out ahead of time will be to your advantage. 

16. Never be without outside contact.  Make sure others outside your team are aware of where you are when on an investigation. A cell phone is a must, whenever possible. 

17. Demonic Possession.  It's extremely rare that you will ever hear of a full-fledged demonic possession. But it is something that all ghost hunters need to be aware of & briefed on. Full possession requires an "invitation" in order to gain a foothold. However, there are activities that can be construed as an invitation. i.e. Ouija boards, séances, etc. A person with heavy
addictions, depression or someone who is desperately lonely are more apt to be targets. When any type of invitation is construed, whether implied or direct, it may very well be acted upon by such evil entities. Even with all that, it's still rare that evil will triumph successfully, but it is possible in some cases. Ghost hunters are somewhat susceptible because of the nature of their work.
18. Lower Level Entities.  There are other less severe life forms that we need to be aware of as well. They are evil & are here to weaken the population through their influence. Their ultimate goal is to distract us from our life duties & make us as unproductive as possible. These creatures are subtle but very much determined. People that allow themselves to be heavily
influenced in this direction are also more prone to demonic possession.

19. Be scientifically minded.  Strive to prove the existence of ghosts & the afterlife. We as Paranormal Investigators cannot simply rely on the word of someone with a particular gift. We need to know for ourselves & we need to document it in our studies.

20. Rely on your senses.  Be ever mindful of your own awareness. We are all born with the gift of inspiration. We also have a bell (so to speak) that sounds off when we are in danger. It's a gift that needs to be focused on. Constantly pay attention to this special ability that we all have. Especially when on an investigation. As you become more aware & in tune, you will be able to
better sense ghosts & other types of entities.

21. Evidence is everything.  We have to show our hard word as the evidence we collect. So take notes, write up reports, snap pictures, collect EVP’s. Keep a log. 

22. Be aware that theories change. If there's anything we can depend on, it's change. What we may know about ghosts today may change tomorrow. We need to embrace credible evidence & use that knowledge to our advantage. So be willing to let go of old theories when need be. If we don't, we will be left behind.

23. Expect Results.  Go into every assignment with an attitude of well defined purpose. Go knowing you have your preliminary research accomplished before & then have a plan to make it all come together. A good investigator is organized and thorough. The right attitude yields results! 

24. It's okay to be afraid.  That is, as long as it doesn't seriously effect the investigation or make you especially vulnerable.  Excessive fear will make you ineffective as a contributing team member & will make you a target for entities. Excessive fear or anger feeds and empowers certain types of entities. Enjoy the thrill of the chase & scream if you must. But everything in

25. Ghosts cannot hurt you.  They can scare you into hurting yourself however.  Energies & spirits above the "ghost" class however can hurt you mentally & physically.  Watch out for yourself & those around you who may inadvertently put themselves or others in harm.

26. Know standard terminology used by Paranormal Investigators.  The more you know, the better prepared you are to instill that confidence in those around you. To be professional, courteous, & understanding shows you take your role as a Paranormal Investigator seriously & are ready for the responsibilities that come with any investigation.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Ghosts appear in many forms. The most common of these forms is what we refer to as Electromagnetic Luminaries or EML's. EML's, if you were to break it down to a very basic level, are balls of electrostatic energy with what seems to be a conscience. They seem to be able to
reason & have some sort of intelligence. From EML's, a 'ghost' will manifest into what is referred to as a free formed vapor. This vapor appears like a mist. Most of the time it will not have a definite shape. From this vaporous mass, a 'ghost' will then manifest into a full human form which is extremely rare to see & even more rare to catch on film.

Many people who see a full form floating apparition or 'ghost', notice that they seem to be dressed in clothing from the period in which they once existed. As we know, clothes do not have souls nor do those leisure suits from the 70's have an afterlife, however, there are a few reasons we have to take into account why these 'ghosts' appear the way they do.

First, many of the 'ghosts' are not aware they are no longer alive. Going by what we know, 'ghosts' are nothing more than EML's that go through a manifestation period of balls of energy to a vaporous mist to full form. During the period of the vapor manifestation is when the energy begins to take shape. This shape, being whatever form it chooses to take & not knowing that it is no longer alive, usually takes the same shape it had in life. In life, when we perceive ourselves, we see ourselves clothed, as do these apparitions. This is the reason they will form with clothing they are familiar in. Children will often be seen with their toys once they manifest to full form. Some spirits know they are deceased due to a violent demise & choose to stay behind in the world of the living. This is why those who did indeed have a violent demise can be seen with wounds that pertain to way they were killed.
I always believe the best equipment you can ever carry in any investigation is your own 'Healthy Mind'. What equipments work for anyone, we do not know and we do not recommend. We are trying to get the reality to the world with what ever it takes and where ever it takes us. Some equipments never work for me, but heck, a few which never worked for others has done wonders for me. But does it mean we shared an ego about something? We only share healthy and assertive ego that adds to the pile of paranormal research not subtracts anything.