Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Sudden Death

It is believed by many that when a person dies suddenly, as in a car accident or by a gunshot, they may not be aware that they died. This is much like when we cut ourselves, but don't notice it until we see the injury. This sudden death can leave the spirit somewhat confused. He or she cannot communicate with us & perhaps, has lost the concept of time. This leaves them to wander the area where they died, not fully understanding the predicament they are in.

Often times when these type of spirits are encountered, they are dressed as they were when they died & seemed confused as to what is going on around them. These spirits may at times manipulate various objects so they might be noticed, as if they're reaching out for our help. Unfortunately for them, it is believed that they are stuck here until somebody from our side makes contact & informs them that they have died. If they can be convinced they have died, then they move on to the next life or whatever may lie on the other side. But contact , as in interaction with the spirit, is most often not made. People, by nature, fear what they do not understand. So most people will run away or move, leaving the spirit to dwell an eternity wandering the place of their death. 

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