Sunday, 11 May 2014

Using the Cell Sensor on Investigations

Just like the Tri-field, all the groups Cell Sensors should be used on every case. They can be placed in stationary positions all around the location & it can be carried as you walk around too.    Putting in a stationary spot allows it to monitor an entire area just like the Tri-Field meter does.   Use these settings when using the meter:

In a stationary position:   Set the meter to High & place the meter on a flat surface. Place the probe’s tip facing the area you want to cover.

Walking around with meter:    Set the meter to High but if you continue to get false/natural readings then switch to the Normal setting.    The Normal setting will usually work best when walking around in an indoor location.

An important tip with the cell sensor is how to hold the probe.  Never hold the probe by the wire.  Holding the probe by the wire will give you false readings.  Please keep this in mind when using.

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