Thursday 8 May 2014

Imaginary Friends

One theory I've developed concerns the imaginary friends of small children. I believe that spirits are all around us, we just lack the open-mindedness to acknowledge that they are with us. I feel that this is because we are "programmed" when we are young by adults, that told us that there are no such things as ghosts. I was taught that when we died, we went to heaven or hell. The subject of ghosts never came up. Imaginary friends fall under this same programming. Parents will teach the children that their "friend" is not real, & they should stop talking to themselves. This is the kind of thinking that closes our minds to anything that is not flesh & blood or solid as a rock.

When we are born, we know nothing of the concerns & worries of the world. We have no rules to abide by, thus we have no preconceived notions of what is supposed to be real & what is supposed to be imaginary. We don't even know what imagination is. So, I believe that babies & small children are the best chance a spirit has to communicate with the living. There have been numerous documented cases where a child or baby has been moved from one spot to another, or an infant has gained possession of toys that were no where near them. Many people have watched a baby move it's eyes around, as if following someone or a child suddenly laughing for no obvious reason. Perhaps that child is seeing a grandparent who passed on before getting a chance to see their grandchild.

What about children who are heard having long conversations with an unseen friend? Most can be attributed to an overactive imagination, but there are a few cases in which children have gained information they could not have known. A woman once wrote me about her son. Apparently the young boy had an imaginary friend. One day the boy told his mother that her stomach was glowing. His friend said that his mommy was going to have another baby & the he would have a sister. The next week the woman found out that she was indeed pregnant. Sometime later, a baby girl was born. Perhaps imaginary friends are more real then we give them credit. 

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