Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Can demons actually possess dolls and statues?

A:  Although demons do not technically "possess" inanimate objects such as dolls and statues, they will sometimes attach or link themselves to certain objects.  Although there are a variety of reasons for this, the most obvious cause would be if a doll or a statue has been "personified," or given recognition as an object of profane worship, or used in a ceremonial practice in which demonic entities were invoked.  (Two Scriptural references which specifically refer to this as the worship of idols are: 1) Revelation 9:20, & 2) 1 Corinthians 10:20.)  Incidentally, demonic attachments to inanimate objects are not limited to dolls & statues.  In fact, I once knew someone who, as a young boy of about five years old, picked up a glove which had been left in a cemetery...& a demonic entity instantly began harassing him!  The vehicle in which screen idol Jimmy Dean was killed in is another example.  Also, it almost goes without saying that the most common inanimate object to which a demonic entity will attach itself is the infamous Ouija board.

Another cause of demonic entities having attached themselves to inanimate objects such as dolls or statues, is if someone who was demon possessed or severely oppressed, has owned or venerated this particular object.

Of course, there is no reason to go through your house searching out every inanimate object which you've ever felt slightly unnerved about.  However, if you do seriously feel there is something unnatural about an abject in your it a doll, statue, Ouija board or what have might just be a good idea to look up the history of this object, if possible.  For information pertaining to the disposal of such an object, you may wish to contact a member of the clergy of your particular faith, or perhaps a reputable paranormal research organization.

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