Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What are the Differences between Spirit and Demon Possessions?

Spirits use a channeler, automatic writer, etc. - & even normal people, as vessels to communicate a message & move on. This can be done through far-seeing, psychic abilities, etc. This only lasts a few minutes to a few hours, & usually not longer. It also applies to chandlers whom call on 'Spirit Guides.' The spirit speaks what needs to be heard, or relays their message to the channeler/psychic, & very rarely the spirit controls the person more than that for speaking in their place.

Ghost ''possession's" are believed to be, when the persons voice, language, characteristics, & sometimes even features may change to that of the spirit which is speaking through them, knowing & saying things that only the deceased person may know. For an Automatic Writer, their handwriting may change, & they may write in ways & even sometimes languages not common of the person themselves but of the spirit whom they are channeling, while the spirit temporarily inhabits their body.

Ghost's may 'possess' an object also for relaying messages. ( It's not so much a possession, but the spirits using, or channeling their energy, or feeding off the energy of the object to relay their message). For example: Your beeper goes off, & you find a message on it, from a Loved One who's passed on, telling you something in a short message, advising, or just saying 'Hello!', or happy anniversary. This goes the same with phones, radio, EVP, etc.. Not really a 'possession'
but the use of their energy to pass these messages on to you through these electrical devises.
The use of inanimate objects can also be used to relay messages, of discomfort, happiness, etc. For examples; a picture falls to the floor because the spirit is angered or distressed, wants attention etc., or the TV turns on and off because the spirit likes to annoy - play tricks - or just in humor!

For an Angered or 'Troubled' Spirit, these 'possession's' can be disturbing for the person they may use to relay their message. Foul language/smells, writing, throwing of objects and/or people, banging, pinching, scratching, etc. may also take place. They wish to 'posses,' take charge of, keep as theirs an area, place, dwelling, object, etc.

A Demon Possession can be from a few minutes, to days, months or years. A Demon possession is where the entity takes over the body & controls it for an indefinite period of time. Making the person act, react, & do things they'd usually never do - because they are not really themselves. With this may come an anger, hate, hatred, violence, foul language/smells, voice - features & characteristic changes as well, amongst other things. These possessions can stop for days - to months, sometimes years, & then begin again from where it left off.

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