Monday 10 March 2014

The Poltergeist Agent:

Though the agent can usually be narrowed down to one person, in some cases the agent appears to consist of two or more people who co-create a psychological dynamic that causes one or more of the people to mentally "set off" the physical disturbances. Studies & investigations show that agents are typically experiencing repressed or unresolved emotional stress. Adolescence is commonly a stressful life period (psychologically & physically) & not surprisingly, the majority of reported poltergeist cases involve adolescent agents (the age range is from 12 or 13 to early 20s).
However, people of all age groups are potential poltergeist agents (although there has been a
noticeable lack of agents under 10 or 11). Studies have also shown that people with epilepsy or
epileptic-like activity in the brain are sometimes associated with poltergeist activity. This does not
mean that everyone under stress or with epilepsy will be a poltergeist agent. In fact, the
phenomenon is very uncommon, even though minor PK events may occur throughout someone's

lifetime. In severe cases of repressed stress or epilepsy, poltergeist activity rarely occurs. 

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